when time or money is short, it makes sense to email an invitation. technology definitely delivers faster and cheaper, but it doesn't mean that you have to skip the traditional form. time was running out for this birthday girl, so an email invite was the perfect answer. i created it like i would any other, with two differences. one, i wasn't limited to a specific envelope size, and two, i converted it to a jpeg that can be emailed. most email programs display jpegs right in the message, so the invite is immediately seen & enjoyed, others may require you to click to view. either way, you have the personality of a paper invite with the speed and cost free delivery of email--win, win! on a design note, this was a really fun invitation to create. a track meet photo of the birthday girl offered the perfect head out of the window, hair in the wind shot to add a personal touch to her stretch ride!
:) lexi