here he is in all his glory! when i counted, i got 17... but, i didn't even think of the fact that i used the word *cards* and one of the designs was a *mini-book* until it was mentioned in the comments!!! so for that reason, both 16 and 17 were counted as correct. for those of you who missed one rather than leaving off the book, you got lucky! now, on to the random winner...
linda ss!!!
who covered her bases and said both! congrats linda! send me your address and i'll get your very own rock star in the mail!
to everyone, thanks for playing along! i wish i had one for all of you. definitely think about adding rock star to your next a muse order. i've had a lot more fun with him than i ever thought i would--you really can dress him up for anything! and i'm sure he'll make an appearance here from time to time if you need a little inspiration!
thanks again ~ you rock!
:) lexi